mardi 6 janvier 2009

Nearing the end! 9 Days to go!

Okay...I thought I better post these before it is too late. I had a full afternoon/evening of painful contractions today so it REALLY got me thinking that this might happen sooner than later. I even had to write them down they were so regular.....BUT, they didn't last! I did get a lot done though in those few my state of panic! I must say, I am finally READY to go. Once Toomas' Mom is here on Friday I will feel 99% ready. Saturday or Sunday I'll be 100% because we are planning on getting a new computer on Saturday and setting it up Sunday. My photos, video and blogging are completely maxing out this 4 year old laptop and it is time for an upgrade. France is offically in "soldes" or "Sale" time on Wednesday so we will brave it out on Saturday. We REALLY need a new computer badly..this one is just SO SLLLLLLOOOOW and is recently crashing from memory loss. Sometimes I feel the same :) Anyway, here I am with only 9 days to due date. I think I have dropped. I can feel a lot more open space at the top so I'm pretty sure he is nestling in. My belly is BIG so I know he will be a big guy..I'm pretty sure he'll be in the upper 8 pound range. I have NOT gained any weight in the last few weeks...actually I've even lost a bit...but Evan has found it!

1 commentaire:

4 in 4 a dit…

I love the belly shots! You look awesome! I can't believe that the baby will be here so soon--that is crazy talk! And the name, Evan, is just great, and so cool how you went with the E's for the boys and the K's for the girls. Very cute! Keep us posted because I can't wait to hear the exciting news!
