mercredi 31 décembre 2008

Our Baby Boy has a name!

Well for fun on New Year's Eve (and to help me pass these last 10 hours HOPING that I will make it until 2009 to have this little man), I thought I'd announce what our baby boy's name will be! :)

It wasn't too hard deciding because we were really hoping to be able to use the name we had selected for my last pregnancy (had Kaitlyn of been a boy). The only tough decision was the middle name. We did briefly toy with a few other first names, but this one just stole our hearts.

So without further hesitation:

Evan Thomas

In Hebrew Evan means "God has been Gracious" and this is indeed very true!!!! It also orginates from Welsh/Celtic where it also means "Young". Evan is actually a form of John, so Biblically he is the baptiser of Jesus (John the Baptist). The name day celebration is on June 24th, which is the summer solstice and the longest day of the year. This has meaning for Toomas and myself because it was the weekend when we were married back in 1997! Evan's personal characteristics are that of a responsible, conscientious and kind individual! We hope for these fine qualities in our little boy as well :) Thomas is of course his Daddy's name and also my youngest brother's name. It just seemed to flow well with the name so it was an obvious choice!

We can't wait to meet him in only a few short weeks (or days!)

I finally finished up a few of his personalized projects for his room. I painted wooden letters for his wall and also painted and decorated a frame where I will put his birth photo.

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