jeudi 6 novembre 2008

30 Weeks!!!

This seems like a milestone to me. Right now my little boy would have a 90-95% chance of survival if he were to be born at this point. Obviously a 3 pound baby would be in need of some help, but it sure is comforting to know that he could make it in the world at this point!!!!

How am I doing this week? Well I could be better!! I've had a rough week of feeling a bit overwhelmed and sensitive to comments about my growing belly. It must be the pregnancy hormones because I know I'm on track....but I just FEEL sensitive. I know I'm getting bigger these days---people don't need to point that out!!!! Duh?!!! I'm due in a few short weeks OF COURSE I look pregnant! I seem to be getting tons of comments on how I'm really looking pregnant now.

I've done further work on baby preps this week. I went to the craft store and bought some raw wooden items to paint and decorate (his name in carved wooden letters and an a plain wood frame). I bought paint and embellishments to match his room decor and stayed up WAY TOO LATE this week completeing my projects!! I will reveal the finished products soon. The store was out of ONE letter that I needed, so I need to finish that up and then you all can see my crafts :)

I washed an put together 2 big items from the basement this week...#1 is the infant bassinet that will most likely be in our room for a few months. I've debated putting the baby in his room right away and MAY still do so, but it just depends on what he needs. I've prepared the bassinett if he is a fussy baby like Krista. I want to avoid as many night trips as possible up the stairs to the kids floor, so if he is a "waker" then he'll be with us until he gets sorted out and on a routine. Most likely that will be the case. The #2 item was the baby bouncy seat. I had taken all the screws out so I could store it more compactly-- so this week I washed it and put it back together again! Everything looks great but is reminding me that SOON we'll have our FOURTH child in this house! In some ways it seems like just yesterday that I was packing these items up for Kaitlyn who didn't need them anymore.
The little guy is really active and strong these days. His kicks are a BLAST to watch from the outside. The kids are really enjoying this part of the pregnancy where they can feel and SEE him kick now. Krista especially loves to take part in this. I've had some contractions already also, but I'm assuming they are just Braxton Hicks for the moment. Some are painful but mostly just a reminder of the pregnancy!!!

Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment, but it will probabally be a quick drive-through. I don't think I'll have an ultrasound. Most likely my next u/s will be for early December. I can't believe next month is December! I still have to register at the hospital!!! Lots to do and little time to do it! :)

I will update soon with my stats from my 7th month appt.

2 commentaires:

4 in 4 a dit…

What big belly? You look great! Wow 30 weeks already? Where is the time going. Looking forward to more updates.

Canoearoo a dit…

Looking great!