jeudi 30 octobre 2008

29 weeks!! THIRD TRIMESTER!! Names etc...

Well I'm now in the home stretch with full-term being a mere 8 weeks away (the 37 week mark). I can't believe this!!!!! There is still SO much to do!! I'm on the ball, but just moving more slowly than I'd like. My main goal now is CHRISTMAS! I want to have all of my shopping done, gifts wrapped in 2 weeks. CAN I DO IT? Doubtful, but I'm aiming for mid-November. The great news is that the baby's room is finished!!! It looks awesome if I do say so myself. My friend Becky was so nice to say that it looked like an ad for the bedroom bedding theme! :) Physically I am getting ENORMOUS! I've popped straight out in front...just like I have a basketball (or more appropriately a pumpkin) under my shirt. Just this week I had 2 people come up to me and say "You're having a BOY, aren't you?" They went on to say that it just looks so much like a boy stomach!!! I am SO excited, but nervous at the same time! Kaitlyn is being a TRULY difficult two year old now. I hope that she learns that things won't always go her way and that she won't always get what she wants. She's in for a real surprise when her brother comes and she will have to learn a bit of compromise!!! Now onto the next question....NAMES, NAMES, NAMES!!! We have a first name that we love...but it will only be revealed when we can decide on a middle name. We've had the first name from even before we decided to have our 4th baby. It was always my dream to have 2 boys and 2 girls so this name has been in mind for a very long time. Toomas just spent a week in Estonia with his family. His Dad celebrated his 70th Birthday so while Toomas was away and he put his mind to the task of figuring out a middle name. He made a BIG list for me and I will be going through it this weekend! Hopefully we can find the perfect fit soon!! For now here are a few more festive pictures: