mardi 14 octobre 2008

26 Week Update

Finally getting on for a weekly update. Things have been very busy around here..I've been "nesting" already with project after project in motion. Seems like there is SO much to do and so little time to do it! I am starting to think I'll need until mid-November to get to feeling organized. As far as my accomplisments go...I've updated the kids baby books with photos and summaries. I keep birth-age 5 books for the kids and try to include every little detail! I'm finally up to date! Hooray! I've also been working diligently on a pregnancy scrapbook...pretty papers, embellishments, photos, summaries, keep-sakes, lab know the type. I'm up to AUGUST so I consider this pretty good. I think I've done at least 26 pages so far...and each page is pretty time consuming. It feels good to have it all in book though. I've done these books with all 3 pregnancies before and it makes for a WONDERFUL keepsake. I'm also working on preserving all of my DV camcorder tapes onto DVD. I usually do this once a year and the time has come. It is a time consuming project but well worth it because these DVD's become the kids favorite form of entertainment! They love watching themselves and their activities and reliving the moment again!

Physcially I'm well. Feeling big though and already having trouble bending over. Sleep is fine (when I get it), I've been staying up too late these last few weeks so that I can catch up on my organizing. During the day I'm chasing after and picking up after Kaitlyn constantly... and of course doing laundry, washing bathrooms, making lunches, doing dishes, ironing..the list goes on! Add to the mix my baby room project and that makes for one busy me! BUT, the good news is that the room is practically complete! All that is left is to bring up from the basement and wash Erik's 0-9 month clothes and I'm SET! I already washed the infant carseat and other necessities. I feel like I'm ALMOST caught up to where I want to be..just another 2 weeks and I'll be feeling a lot more relaxed. I like to have things done early so that I don't have to be stressing at the last minute. I also really want to enjoy Christmas this year with the kids, Toomas and my Mom.

So that is a little update on the chaos. I'm happy but busy! :) And SO very much excited about all of the upcoming fun ahead!!! This is a MAGICAL time in my life. I need to savor every single second!!!!

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