mardi 23 septembre 2008

6th Month Exam

Here's our little guy today:
And here I am at 6 months!!!

Today Toomas and I went to my 6th month exam. We had a friend watch Kaitlyn so we were SOLO! It was actually FUN to be out just the 2 of us! It's been awhile! It was an ultrasound exam today so Toomas wanted to come and see how "big" our little man has grown. Toomas hasn't seeen the baby since the 15 week, 6 day exam when we found out it was a boy. Our little guy has grown a LOT since then. I'm 3 days shy of 24 weeks so everything looked a lot different. Today the doctor wanted to get a better look at the heart since the last time she said it was still a bit on the small side for viewing everything. She saw all 4 chambers, the aorta, and everything else she needed to see and praise God everything looks healthy and fine. We also were able to see the face better this time. During the 5th month exam we couldn't see the face that well because he was facing the placenta with his face pushed up against it. This time he was in a TOTALLY different position. Last appointment he was head down and unfortunately this appointment he decided to stand upright!! So his little feet are at the bottom. We got some great shots of him opening and closing his mouth and also of his fingers and toes. It was so cute!!! I am getting SO excited to meet him. We still haven't decided on a name yet. There are a few I like but we are tossing around middle names and also how things are pronounced here in France---that is the BIG name breaker right now. So today I am happy to report we have a handsome, healthy little baby growing quickly. He measured 24-25 weeks so approx a week to week and a half ahead. He's right on target for being a big baby boy like his brother. My weight gain was not good--I'm not going into numbers here but I PROMISE myself no more desert...I think the juice and fruit were the killers this month. I was just craving them so much but my doctor said fruit is to be treated like a desert in pregnancy.....So that is a brief report from the day. I'm uploading a video clip that Toomas took during the exam. It isn't the best angle and is pretty long (12 minutes) but it has some cute moments. I'll have my next appointment in one month but my next ultrasound isn't until 32 weeks (I'm almost 24 now). Enjoy the profile shot of our new little guy! He looks so sweet!!! I just can't get over how excited I am to meet him!!!! Time is flying by now and it won't be long!

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