mercredi 27 août 2008

19 Week Ultrasound Photos

These are some of the photos from yesterday's ultrasound. I was 19 weeks and 4 days for the exam and the baby measured anywhere from 19 weeks, 2 days to 20 weeks, 4 days for the various measurments. I'm ataching one sheet of photos (plus a few close ups of the profiles). The 20 weeks, 4 days measurement was the femur length shot. Looks like a tall one on our hands. Erik was 55 cm at birth so this may also be the case here also. The profile shots were a little difficult to get because the little baby bean was very active in a clear shot was pretty hard. This is the best the doctor could do. The baby's overall weight is estimated at 325 grams (which is 11 and 1/4 oz.). The average range for this age is 234-329 grams so we're right on target.

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