mardi 26 août 2008

It's A.........

glitter graphics
I had my ultrasound today and everything looked great. The baby was SUPER active which made it hard to get some measurments...but the doctor managed to get almost all angles necessary and saw a lot today! Lets see...she saw the four chambers of the heart and aorta, the 2 kidneys, the stomach, the profile, 10 fingers, 10 toes, the brain and the hemispheres and pretty much everything. She will do another u/s next month to get any measurments that she couldn't this time. She said usually she likes to do the anatomy scan at 22 weeks and I'm only 19---she said my skin was thin so she did see a lot for my gestational age (funny I always thought I was thick skinned!!), but most likely I'll get a u/s next month too for a better look. I'm so thankful that all looks healthy and fine!!!!

So, the baby is measuring right on target and we were able to confirm the gender this time. It was actually REALLY, REALLY easy! At my 16 week ultrasound the doctor (not this doctor) said he had a "guess" but I personally couldn't see a thing! Today when I asked if she could tell the gender she said "Why don't you tell me!!" Then she showed me the money shot! There was NO denying it was a boy! When I asked her how sure she was she said "Absolutely 100%"....So now it is time to start thinking seriously about boy names...I also stopped into Vertbaudet on the way home (I was parked in the mall parking lot) and bought him a tiny stuffed doggie and a pair of pj's....these are to remember the day I was told he was a he.

We got some good photos today also, but they are small. I will try to get them uploaded later. Tonight we are having a pizza party to celebrate our new little addition. It was SO wonderful seeing him looking so big and healthy! :) Praise God for his goodness!!

Here is my 19 week, 4 day belly shot. In THREE days I'm halfway through the pregnancy!! It is funny but we have hardly even announced the pregnancy yet. This is partly because I ALWAYS wait until the end of the first trimester...and then the summer vacation was upon us and everyone was gone. We better get busy...there is no hiding it now! :) I won't have much announcing to do with this growing belly!

3 commentaires:

4 in 4 a dit…

Congratulations Kelly! I am so excited for you and glad that everything is looking good with your little man. Hard to believe you already half way through your pregnancy. Where is the time going. You look great too and it is hardly noticable that you are pregnant!


Francemama a dit…

Thanks Alex!! You should see how pregnant I look at the end of the day (or even after breakfast!). I'm with you on the time passing fast! It always seems to go faster with each pregnancy. :(

Canoearoo a dit…

Yes I knew it was a boy! Congrats!!