mardi 8 juillet 2008

Belly Shot 12.5 weeks

I'm 12 weeks and 4 days today, and making headway into the 2nd trimester. I realized after posting baby's picture that I needed to post a belly shot of ME!

I am growing...and VISIBLY so! We still haven't spilled the beans to our families yet and I'm not sure about HOW or when I will do this yet. We want to think of some unique way to announce the news.
Back to my size....My 8 pants are still fitting reasonably well, but leave marks on my stomach. The 4's and 6's are ancient HISTORY! I am not sure what I am going to do in a week or two. Perhaps buy some larger regular pants? I am NOT anywhere close to needing maternity pants or tops yet so that is not an option. I went to the basement this week to see what loot I have collected over my 3 pregnancies and everything looks SO big! I will wait a bit before I drag up the bag and re-wash the clothes. It is a project and I don't really need them yet. I am thinking of going out this weekend to buy a few loose pairs of pants that I'm sure I can use again for the post-delivery days.