vendredi 11 juillet 2008

13 Weeks!

Today I'm officially 13 weeks. I can't remember if it is actually 13 or 14 weeks that marks the start of the 2nd trimester. Anyway I am going to celebrate today! A sucessful and healthy first trimester. YEA!!!! I'm officially up 3.8 kg. More than I want to be, but I'm fine with the gain.

Right now we are also trying to think of ways to tell the news to our family. I really don't want to do it over the phone---so boring!!! I think we may wait until our trip to Toomas' parents to tell them in person?? We are still debating. Otherwise we have decided that we are going to make up little cards that say: "Greetings from Your Grandchildren" on the front...AND inside the card will have 4 photos (including the ultrasound photo) and say above the photos "All FOUR of them!!!" I want it to really be a fun surprise and not just a simple sentence on the phone. Of course I will want them all to call me when they get the cards so we can get excited together. I'm HOPING that everyone will be as excited as WE are! Sometimes a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th child gets the short end of the stick as far as excitment goes. I hope this is not the case. I have to say that I am as EQUALLY excited as I was with all 3 others! It is just an incredible thing to be holding a new life!!! And is it SO exciting to think that Krista, Erik and Kaitlyn will have a little baby brother or sister soon!!!!

2 commentaires:

4 in 4 a dit…

Hi Kelly
You look great and your excitement is contagious! What a cool idea about telling people with a card! You are right that the subsequent children tend to get brushed aside or not made as big a deal out of by others, but we mothers make sure to make up for it. When will you find out the sex? Gosh, you are going to make me want another one--I guess I will just have to live vicariously through you!

Kidzmom a dit…

Alex think you should have 3 more!! You make such cute kids...and make raising them look like a CINCH! :) I scanned in the cards and will post them here too. So glad you liked the idea. I REALLY wish everyone would feel as excited as I do about the 4th but I know that won't be the case...... I KNOW you understand:)I THINK we will find out, but it is still not entirely decided. My 20 week u/s is at the very end of August so if we want it will be possible then :)