lundi 7 juillet 2008

My Sweet Baby


I had my First Trimester ultrasound and NT screen today and everything looks right on target! It was GREAT to see the baby again. Toomas and Kaitlyn came with me and Kaitlyn was on her VERY best behavior. I was so proud of her. She sat in her stroller like a big girl and didn't make a peep for the whole 25 minutes of the exam. We had a wonderful appointment, despite my fearing that I wouldn't get to even see the screen since it was at the public hospital (often they don't want patients to see the ultrasound screen!). My ultrasound there with Kaitlyn was nothing compared to this! They had a big screen on the wall and I could watch the whole thing! After the doctor took the measurments she said...Now for the fun, lets meet your baby and walked us through to see the baby.

My NT measurment was 1.4 which was excellent and this gave me a risk of 1/770 for downs and other trisomies with the combined blood screen. My test with Kaitlyn was 1/960 but I was almost 3 years younger then!!!! I didn't do the early screen with Krista and Erik---only the MSFAP at 15-16 weeks. The doctor said the results should be very reassuring considering the risk for downs for my age is 1/206.

Everything looked right on target. Baby was measuring 70 mm and was moving all around! It was wonderful to "connect" again! I just love this photo! :)

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