vendredi 18 juillet 2008

14 Week Update

Well, I'm offically in the 2nd trimester...week 13 has now been completed. I'm 14 weeks today! I was just starting to think the other day that I was feeling WONDERFUL again when last night the nausea hit me. I didn't feel bad enough to throw up, but it still goes to show that it is still early and I'm NOT into the "glorious" 2nd trimester weeks yet. I AM looking foward to them though, and am starting to see glimpses again of my old self!

Last week I went maternity shopping. I bought a bunch of new things that were for the most part necessary. In France they only have "sales" during the month of July and the month of January, so I wanted to take advantage of the sale prices. Most of the items I got were marked down 50-70% and were the fall and winter lines from last year! That being said, the prices only become what I consider "reasonable" at that point. A long sleeved top is STILL 20 Euros (35 dollars) WITH the 50-70% REDUCTION! I did however go to some of the more "mod" maternity stores because I want to wear CUTE maternity styles this pregnancy, and they are generally overpriced Parisian design!!! It really lifted my spirits to shop (alone) for a few hours. I did have trouble finding jeans that I liked though. I ended up going to Germany a day later and found a pair I ADORE! Unfortunately they only had one pair in my size. I'm hoping the restock so I can grab another pair! I'm still wearing my larger normal pants (8's) which have a good inch of we'll see how long that lasts!

As for my weight. I have not weighed in for the week. Last glance I was 4 kg even and holding. Not my ideal, but I MADE IT through the first trimester. This for me is a HUGE feat! Usually I am just a MESS in the first trimester, but this time with the help of constant snacking and lots of sleep I was 100% (okay 95% functional!). Now that I can control my meals more I will see a slowing in the unnecessary gain.

On Sunday we leave for Disneyland Paris. The kids are SO excited. They have been dreaming of this trip for months. Erik and Kaitlyn mostly are obsessed with Mickey so this will be their dream come true! The weather forcast looks great---it should be in the low to mid 70's and sunny, which is ideal for walking around outside all day! Toomas decided to treat us to the 2nd nicest hotel on the Disney grounds so that Kaitlyn and I can walk easily to the park to meet up with the older kids (a 4 star). Kaitlyn and myself will be needing a few breaks throughout the long Disney days I'm sure. We'll be there for 3 days so it will be tiring!!!

So that is the 14 week update! Oh and I almost forgot to mention that I worked on my pregnancy annoucement cards this week. I'm almost done and I plan on sending them out SOON! I can't wait to announce. I'm enjoying waiting a little longer this time to share the news. It will make the pregancy seem shorter for everyone! Stay tuned....

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