jeudi 19 juin 2008

10 Weeks Already!

WOW, tomorrow I'll be 10 weeks and 1/4 through the pregnancy! It is SO strange to think that noone other than me and Toomas (and the internet world) knows that I'm even pregnant-- and here I am 25% through the pregnancy! I am just bursting to share the news, but I'm waiting patiently until I can get through the first trimester. I'm almost there now...just a few short weeks away.

This weeks news is that I'm EXPANDING! I feel like I my stomach is pushing itself out this week. Hard as I might to keep it tucked in, it is NOT cooperating! I think the uterus at this point is the size of a grapefruit, so I can understand why it is getting harder to keep my belly flat. I feel like I'm getting the odd look here and there now. Probabally people just think I've gained a few pounds....which I HAVE! I'm officially up nearly 2 kg. I am really fine with the gain because I am FEELING GOOD! I have to eat small meals (and often starchy foods and fruits) fairly often to keep feeling okay. I am SO surprised at how well I am doing this pregnancy. The only turn off I have is for veggies...I must FORCE them down. This is really hard to imagine because I was a vegetarian for YEARS and YEARS and now the sight of veggies turns me GREEN. My big favorite this week are bbque chicken drumsticks. That is all I've been craving. That and peanuts.
As for energy I'm doing fine. Yesterday I washed the entire 1st floor windows inside and out, washed the ceramic floors on the 1st floor, TOTALLY CLEANED Erik's and Kaitlyn's room clutter, did 2 loads of laundry (folded and put away), brought up birthday decorations for Krista, entirely decorated the family room with balloons and streamers, went grocery shopping with Erik and Kaitlyn, took Krista to tap and then baked 30 chocolate chip cupcakes and made dinner! What a day! I WAS pooped out afterwards, but no nausea! I have been going to bed relatively late too and still do okay in the a.m (I am usually in bed by 11). So, all in all I can't complain!

This weekend and tomorrow will be hectic. Tomorrow Krista has a gymnastics evening where she will be presented her trophy for winning the Regionals. She does NOT know about this! I'm so excited for her to be honoured. She knows that there is a gymnastics evening and that she will perform a routine, but she does NOT know about the award. Then, Saturday from 3:00-6:00 is her group birthday party. I've purchased and organized all the material for her birthday--we will be doing a scrapbook party theme this year. I'm going to take a bunch of shots of the girls and each can have 2-3 photos and design their own page to take home. I'm so excited about the party. Most of the girls will leave at 6:00, but Krista's 3 best friends will stay overnight for a slumber party. We'll order pizza, make cupcakes, play games and stay up late! It will be a fun but tiring weekend for sure!

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