mardi 20 mai 2008

Oh My Gosh!

What did I just do? I posted my pregnancy blog entry on my FAMILY blog site! This should NOT have happened. I freaked out when I saw I had SPILLED THE BEANS on the family blog site...talking about my lack of morning sickness for all to read! I can't believe I posted over there by accident. I immediately rushed to the dashboard to delete the entry! I hope no one saw it there for the 20 seconds that it was up. I want to SAVE and then share this SPECIAL news after we make it though the first trimester. I have done this with my other pregnancies also. It is just so much better to be able to share the news without as much worry about miscarriage.

So back to my entry about exercise... I've now completed workout 3/10. I'm finding it easier to do this when I think of only needing to get to 10! These mini-goals work really well for me. I got up this a.m. earlier than usual so I could work out before Kaitlyn got up. It is so nice to have a workout in before the day begins.

As for how I'm feeling these days. I AM 100% fine and normal. I actually started to get worried last night about how good I'm feeling. TRUST ME, I'm not complaining, but I've never had a symptom-less pregnancy before. This is new to me. I started to worry that things weren't "fine" becasue I am feeling so normal. My only symptom is my lack of period! Surely in my last pregnancies I felt something coming on by now. I'm 5 weeks and 4 now and I was in full blown morning sickness by 6 weeks with my last pregnancies. Surely I would be feeling something now if it were to start in a few days? Or maybe it will hit like a bonb? Since last week I've only had a few brief moments of nausea, if you can call it that. But it has been NOTHING compared to previous and TRUE nausea. I'm really hoping all is okay, and I'm very happy I'm feeling good...just hoping everything is okay.

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