mercredi 14 janvier 2009

I Refused Induction Today....

Well this post says it all...I had an appointment today and I was offered an induction and said NO....I guess this means I'm not as impatient as I thought I was! Call me old fashioned but I just think it is better to let things happen naturally. I REALLY want to have this baby soon, but I'm very afraid that one intervention will lead to needing another (forceps, c-section etc) so I said NO. He said I could have gone in TODAY or tomorrow...VERY TEMPTING!!! Anyway, I can't keep thinking about the "what if's..." I said No and that is that. In the exam he found that I was 2.5 cm dilated and cervix is soft and ready. Evan is still high up though, my doctor said the essential was that I get some good contractions going. He said one hour of good contractions and he will be engaged. The doctor also stripped my membranes at the appointment (pretty much without me asking). I've never had this proceedure done and it wasn't at all comfortable! I did lose my mucous plug a few hours after the stripping so I think it might have done its job. I've had some contractions all day today but nothing regular or painful. I'm not sure WHEN this is going to happen and honestly I AM starting to get impatient, but I'm hanging in there. Also a news flash about Evan's size. I had a u/s today and it looks like he is NOT as big as we guessed based on the last ultrasound. The doctor estimated him at a bit under 7 pounds 10 oz (3300g). It seems the last u/s was based on a twisted abdominal reading which might have skewed the numbers. This makes more sense because in early December he was in the upper 2400's and to gain 1 kg in 5 weeks is perfectly on target! So, this was a relief as I think it will make labor a lot easier. The doctor commented on how my babies are getting progressively and progressively smaller. He said usually the opposite is true.

Krista 4080 g

Erik 4000 g

Kaitlyn 3490 g

Evan also smallish like Kaitlyn

SOOOO we will just have to see where these contractions will lead me tonight. MAYBE Evan will decide to come on his own VERY soon!!!! At any rate I'm finally ready. Toomas is ready too! He has decided to start his vacation tomorrow and will be off until sometime in early February! Hooray!

1 commentaire:

4 in 4 a dit…

Wow Kelly. You are so close! I can't believe you will have the baby tonight or tomorrow or at the very least SOON! How exciting! And good for you for refusing induction. As you know, I had no choice with Jeremiah and I was devastated over it! Can't wait to hear the birth story and see the pictures!