mercredi 20 août 2008

A SURPRISE package

As I mentioned in my previous post...I sent out the pregnancy announcment cards to Mom, Dad and Mike right before we left for Estonia. I knew that it would be a bit difficult to get in touch with them while in Estonia, but I managed to talk to both of them while I was there!!! I am SO thrilled with the response I got. I had really feared that no one would be as excited as we are...but I was SO WRONG! Dad and Mom were both SO exciited and even SHOCKED with the news. They both loved the idea of the card annoucnment too. And both thought this was going to be a WONDERFUL addition to our family. Dad finally figured out why I had been talking about new cars over the past few weeks!!! He said I could have "knocked him over with a feather" with the news and Mom said she almost fell over with the news too..and just loved how we announced it with the little photo card. Mike sent me an email of congrats the other night too, and was really excited for us! It is just wonderful that everyone is so happy along with us. Somehow I thought number FOUR just wouldn't get the excitment, but that is not at all the case..which is just very heartwarming! And today I got a surprise package in the mail from Mom!!! There were 2 nursing/maternity pajama sets (one with a robe) and a cute maternity/nursing top also! Then there was the cutest little onesie for the baby too.....some Palmers stretch mark cream and peppermint Tums!! THANKS SO MUCH MOM!!! I'm going to attach a few photos of me in the brown nursing/maternity top! I LOVE it! XO So now the countdown is on to Tuesday's big appointment...the anatomy scan and gender confirmation appointment! Looks like I'll be going solo to that appointment. Toomas got to come to the 16 week appointment so he has recently seen the little one at least!

1 commentaire:

Canoearoo a dit…

Yeah! I'm so happy your back! I'm glad you had a great time.