mercredi 20 août 2008

18.5 Weeks!

We're back from our vacation to Estonia! Since we were away 2 weeks with no belly shots, I'll get to that first. I'm currently 18.5 weeks pregnant. Only a bit over one week to go until the HALFWAY mark!!! I have to admit that time is flying now. I'm actually really glad that the pace is finally picking up. The first trimester was LOONG (in the sense that each day was a challenge). Now I'm finally feeling back to my old self again! HOORAY! I AM however offically wearing maternity clothes now---that's the big news. I didn't want to feel strangled in my old pants so I made the "big" switch. I feel SO much better now and I'm finally LOOKING pregnant and not just fat! :) As far as my weight goes, I'm up 5 kg to date..a kg or 2 more than I'd like, but I haven't gained any unusual weight since being out of the first trimester so I'm happy with that! The OTHER big news is that I'm feeling the baby move VERY regularly now....about 3-4 times a day! I felt the first flutters pretty early this time, at about 14-15 weeks, but in the last week they have become much stronger and more regular! It is really exciting to feel the baby move. It makes the pregnancy seem REAL at last!!!!

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