vendredi 1 août 2008

16 Week Belly Shot and Exam

Yesterday I had an exam with a new doctor. Here in France you have to deliver at the hospital where your doctor is affiliated. Unfortunately my doctor is now affiliated with a public hospital and is no longer doing deliveries....and besides I don't want to deliver in a public hospital this time. So, what this means is that I will have to make a switch at some point in my pregnancy to a doctor who is affiliated where I want to deliver. I have decided that since I LOVED my last experience so much-- that I want to go back there (to the private clinic). Naturally I called the same physician who I used for the last time. It turns out she is no longer delivering, so I needed to see her partner. The funny thing about it is that HE was actually the doctor that ended up being present at the end of Kaitlyn's birth because she was out of town. He is just AWESOME!! SUCH a wonderful doctor. I am starting to wonder if I should make the switch earlier to him rather than just in the 9th month as is usually standard to do.

So yesterday he opened my file and gave me the paperwork so that I could register at the private clinic. I will be doing this sometime after our trip to Estonia. He also did an exam and surprised me by offering me an ultrasound! I was thrilled at a chance to see the baby again. The baby was moving arms and legs and I even had the courage to ask the doctor if he thought it was a boy or girl. He gave us a very strong indication of the gender, but I will wait to officially announce it until I have my anatomy scan in a few weeks...I'm going to have to try and find a fun way of announcing the gender this time. My anatomy scan is set for August 26th. I'll be 19 weeks and 4 days then.

So, as far as the exam went..everything looked good with the baby! Toomas took a video clip during the ultrasound which I will share below. There are a few good moments, but the angle wasn't that great and the camera had trouble focusing. I also got a few pictures of the baby, but they weren't very clear. The ultrasound starts out with the leg and foot (just for reference!).My blood pressure was a bit high which is unusual, but it was VERY hot yesterday and I had been walking a lot. I'm hoping it was a fluke. I have been having pretty nasty headaches lately though and those aren't fun. I'm also hoping it is related to the heat.

SO tomorrow we head off on our summer vacation to Estonia. We are really looking forward to seeing the grandparents and relaxing. I hope the kids can brush up on their Estonian too!!! We'll be there for 2 weeks and plan on traveling a bit throughout the country. It should be great!

By the way, this week I have really popped out! I can officially say I am looking pregnant now. FOR SURE! I think I have passed the looking fat stage now, which I'm always so happy to leave behind.

I won't be back until mid August! I'll definately have a few belly shots to catch up on then.
Here is the video of the ultrasound:

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