vendredi 16 mai 2008

5 Weeks Today

I am going to try to do weekly photos and small updates of the pregnancy as it progresses. It is such a special time and I don't want to forget any of it. Today I am 5 weeks along. Our conception date was April 25th 2008, and my estimated due date is January 16th, 2009! I'm so excited to think about a January baby. This not only breaks our tradition of summer-only or April-only birthdays, but it also means the baby will be the oldest in the class! I had Erik take a belly shot of me today. He has no clue why I asked him to do this, but he doesn't look into things either (100% clueless!). Krista would definately be suspicious if I had asked her. He did a great job though, although the angle is really low. We haven't told the kids yet---we want to wait until at least the end of the first trimester before we share the news. So here I am at a whopping 5 weeks :)

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