mercredi 26 novembre 2008

Only 50 days to go!!! Baby Room pictures!!!

WOW...only 50 days to go. Tomorrow I will be 33 weeks along, can you belive this?! And LOOK at how much (he) I have grown!!! Bending over is getting to be a struggle already. This is incredible to me. Am I really approaching the end so quickly? Things are REALLY falling into place now too and it is getting more and more exciting by the minute! The nursery is finished and I have some photos to share today, although it won't be COMPLETELY finished until I get my last wooden letter for his wall (which is still not in stock!). I will post a photo of my project and reveal the name we have chosen when I get that done...But for now you can see the nursery and all of the little details!! (The stocked armoire, his blanket basket, his bedding, the choo-choo express wall border, and his memory album and box!!).

As far as my other preparations are concerened I now have everything except one last Christmas gift purchased so I reached my goal!!!! I DID IT! I planned on getting all the kids Christmas gifts purchased and organized and I did it! I am so relieved to have this done. I could end up delivering a month early and I know I would feel swamped with a newborn and having to do all of my Christmas shopping, so this is a big relief. A big thanks to my Mom for shipping a LOT of the Christmas goodies here!!!! This weekened the Christmas decorations are going up too! The kids can't wait to get decorating. It is a tad bit early for my taste, but in my situation right now...the earlier the better. It is so much easier now than it will be in 2 weeks. I still have energy and I'm going to take advantage of it.

Now, as for baby preparations go...I'm ALMOST there too!!! I have everything I will need for the first 3 months upstairs. Our hospital bags are PACKED (almost), I just need a few more small items and we will be all set!! I bought new slippers and pjs for me (for my hospital stay)...and I've washed and ironed all of my nursing items, so I'm finally feeling organized. My pregnancy scrapbook is up to date and I even did about 5 pages for the baby's scrapbook! I did all of the cutting and embellishments so I just need to add photos when he arrives! I REFUSE to let anyone tell me that he will be forgotten as far as memory/ recording goes. I have his baby book purchased (I'll enclose a photo) and plan to fill in a lot of the details later this week. Right now the pregnancy album is BY FAR the most complete of the 3 kids so that goes to show that where there is a will there is a way!!!!

2 commentaires:

Erin Crispin a dit…

The room looks wonderufl and you look fabulous Kelly! Can't wait to hear the name!

4 in 4 a dit…

Awww, Kelly. The room is adorable! I can't wait to hear what his name is. You look fabulous! Where has this pregnancy gone? It sure seems fast to me, so it must be fast for you. Enjoy the final weeks now that everything is finished!

Happy Thanksgiving!